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Jewellery in the New Kingdom (about 1550-1069 BC)

New types of jewellery were introduced in the Second Intermediate Period and the early New Kingdom, in some cases probably from Nubia.

ear rings
finger rings
UC 58302

Other older types such as broad collars, bracelets, pectorals etc. were still used.

Examples of personal adornments shown in art.

hand with bracelet
man with broad collar
goddess with broad collar
official with necklace

Examples of personal adornments

Reconstructed bead necklace; found at Amarna. Grape beads, white petal-beads; red poppy petals; red date pendants; yellow mandrakes; yellow ovals; turquoise pendants; greeb and blue corn flowers; green palm-leaf pendants; some beads broken. Eight rows of beads.
A set of 24 pendants of stamped gold foil. Bought in Egypt. Probably from a broad collar (Petrie 1927: 23, no. 51)
Carnelian floral pendants, on modern stringing.
Pectoral made in gold. Pectorals are already known from the Middle Kingdom (about 2025-1700 BC). In the New Kingdom many examples (often in faience) were produced as burial goods.
Carnelian beads, strung with 'lily' pendants.

compare the following tomb groups:

tomb at Gurob | burial at Nubt | Meydum tomb 51 | Meydum, tomb 56 | Meydum tomb 57




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