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Old Kingdom (about 2686-2181 BC) and First Intermediate Period

(click on the images to see a larger picture: entries marked yellow give links to more information)

UC 40543
UC 40660
UC 18725
Petrie 1927: 49, pl. LXI, X21
Petrie 1927: 49, pl. XXXI, U6
Harageh tomb 661


Middle Kingdom (about 2025-1700 BC)

Petrie 1927: 49, pl. LXI, X23


New Kingdom (about 1550-1069 BC)

Petrie 1927: 50, pl. LXI, X75
Petrie 1927: 50, pl. LXI, X79
Petrie 1927: 50, pl. LXI, X78
Petrie 1927: 49, pl. LXI, X77
Petrie 1927: 50, pl. LXI, X74


Ptolemaic Period

UC 30655a, b
Green 1987: 49, no. 111


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