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Amulets: plants

Plants as amulets are especially popular in the Amarna Period, it is not easy to distinguish between 'religious' amulets and 'aesthetic' jewellery.

wadj column (papyrus) UC 28179 UC 13395 UC 28236 UC 30525 sometimes found in the New Kingdom (most often in a royal context), very common in the Twenty-second to Twenty-fifth Dynasty, attested till the Ptolemaic Period
lotus flower UC 36365, found at the Sinai       lotus blossom as amulets appear sporadically in all periods;
grapes UC 802 a round type underside flat Amarna Period and 19th Dynasty. The amuletic meaning is to be seen in the connection with wine
cornflower       mainly Amarna period and shortly after; some examples from the Late Period

datings are according: Müller-Winkler 1987: 247-289


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