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Late Period: fragment of statue of Horwedja

UC 14634, statue of Horwedja

UC 14634, statue of Horwedja

Horwedja has the title 'overseer of the gate of foreign lands'. He was responsible for the administration of the (southern) boarders and defence against enemies. The statue is dated under Nekau (II) and reports 'making of great obelisks'. Horwedja is also known from a situla now in Chicago.

Translation (after Page 1976: 96-97)

The revered before king Wehemibre (living) like Re, the leading nobleman, leading official, the overseer of the gate of the foreign lands, Horwedja; he says: I am one who was entrusted with many works upon the mountain [...] to make great obelisks of granite and every (sort of) monument of greywacke and granite for the [...]



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