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Stelae of the late Middle Kingdom (about 2025-1700 BC) and Second Intermediate Period: unprovenanced

(click on the images for a larger picture or picture and translation - marked red)

Single stelae are hard to date exactly. More than a general dating is only possible under certain circumstances:

1. the stela has a year dating;
2. the owner of the stela is known from other monuments, which are dateable;
3. the stela belongs to a dateable workshop


UC 14419
UC 14345
UC 14358
UC 14359
UC 14369
UC 14455
Stewart 1979: 33, no, 138
Stewart 1979: 27-28, no. 115
Stewart 1979: 35, no. 147
Stewart 1979: 29, no.120
Stewart 1979: 33, no. 140
Stewart 1979: 26, no, 110
UC 14419
UC 14345
UC 14358
UC 14359
UC 14369
UC 14455

UC 14417
UC 14419
UC 14450
UC 14453
UC 14454
UC 14457
Stewart 1979: 33, no. 139
Stewart 1979: 33, no. 138
Stewart 1979: 34, no. 143
Stewart 1979: 34, no. 142
Stewart 1979: 28, no. 117
Stewart 1979: 26, no. 109
UC 14417
UC 14419
UC 14450
UC 14453
UC 14454
UC 14457

Further reading on stelae of the Middle Kingdom:

  • Franke 1994: 105-117 (discussing a stela workshop from Elephantine)
  • Freed 1996 (discussing and identifying several workshops of the Twelfth Dynasty)
  • Simpson 1974 (the author reassembles groups of stelae - and other objects which once belonged to different chapels in Abydos; with many photographs)
  • Simpson 1995 (excavation report of parts of the cemetery of Abydos including some stelae and some chapels)


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