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Examples of Art in the First Intermediate Period
(about 2181-2025 BC )

two stelae not in the Petrie Museum
a stela from Denderah
stelae from Koptos
button seals (click here for a typology)
First Intermediate Period stela from Thebes UC 14296, stela found at Denderah UC 14321, stela found at Koptos
UC 14318, stela found at Koptos
UC 34119, button seal

unprovenanced stelae
(click on the picture to see a larger image)
UC 14317
UC 14415
UC14317, First Intermediate Period stela UC 14415, stela of the First Intermediate Period
Stewart 1979: 13, no. 52
Stewart 1979: 13, no. 52


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