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Amarna: wine labels

Wine labels in Egypt are short inscriptions written on the shoulder of an amphora mentioning the year in which the wine was produced, the vintners and the vineyard. The Amarna labels are historically of special importance, because of the year datings. The Year 17 wine labels provide the only securely dated evidence for the last year attested for Akhenaten.

(click on the images to see a larger picture)

UC 32761, wine label found at Amarna
UC 32931, wine label from Amarna
UC 32536, wine label from Amarna
UC 32535
UC 32747, wine label found at Amarna
year 17 wine (...) wine ...
year 17, wine of the house of Aten
wine of the greatest of seers
year 10 wine of the domain sHtp head of vintner Sethy
Year 11, wine of the estate of ... West River



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