ࡱ> NPM; +bjbj 4Fhh08($l!~OOOvOOOOq'?Ok0O!!O!OO!X h: UCL Reference form Contact Details NamePositionTelPostal AddressEmailDate Please note, under the terms of the 1998 Data Protection Act an applicant has the right to request access to the reference submitted to UCL. If a request is made and you indicate below that you do not agree to this access we will contact you to discuss it further and make a decision about whether the reference can be released. If you are happy for any reference to be released when any request arrives please state "Yes" below. Allow applicant to see reference without further consultation (please put an X in the relevant box)YesNo We appreciate you taking the time to complete this reference. Please answer the questions below. Applicant NameProgrammeHow long have you known the Applicant?In what capacity do you know the Applicant?If you are an academic referee, please indicate the cohort against whom you are measuring the applicant (e.g. number of students/all students in current year/all students you have ever taught). Please assess the applicant on a scale of 10 (highest) to 1 (lowest) in relation to the following criteria and insert the relevant number. All these fields in this section are mandatory, for each criteria you may provide a numeric assessment or enter U to denote Unable to comment Intellectual AbilityAbility to Organise WorkloadMotivationOriginalityWritten Communication SkillsOral Communication SkillsOverall Assessment of Applicant Recommendation, please select one of the following by placing a cross next to the relevant statement I strongly recommend this applicant for the above programme of StudyI recommend the applicant for the above programme of studyI do not recommend this applicant for the above programme of studyI am unable to comment Please use this box to provide any additional relevant information on the applicant, for example, performance in the work place or suitability for the programme applied for or if they have not yet graduated, what final degree classification or grade he/she is expected to obtain. You may paste a previously prepared reference into this field. Note that you will be emailed a copy of your reference for UCL after you submit it.      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