ࡱ> 02/ 0bjbjWW . 55 $t*****TVVVVVV$Iz888z**8"**T8T*>Z:@0{@{{PLe6,qzz8888{ : CAVA Consent proforma (updated March 2014) Consent for participant (child) to be recorded AND for recordings to be archived and used for future research and teaching. Form to be filled in by parent/main carer. Note about obtaining consent for children to take part in research: Parental consent is usually required on behalf of children under 12 years of age (as in the form below). Subjects between 12 and 16 years of age can give their own consent provided they are deemed to be capable of doing so (there is no set procedure for making this judgement), the researcher must make this judgement by whatever means are appropriate Subjects over 16 years of age are usually considered to be competent to give their own consent. NB If consent for a child <16 years of age is given by the parents, and the data is archived in CAVA, it is the responsibility of the depositing researcher to ensure that consent is sought from the child her/himself if the data is to be re-used once the child is of consenting age (usually at age 16 years). CONSENT TO BE VIDEO/AUDIO-RECORDED, AND FOR STORAGE AND FUTURE USE OF DATA Please initial box I agree that my child [name] can be video/audiotaped for this project. ( I know that my childs video/audiotapes will be stored in the UCL human Communication Audio-Visual Archive (CAVA) held at the UCL Library: Initial one box only to show how long you want recordings to be kept for EITHER 2a) For as long as the Library exists, for future research. I know that future researchers will sign a CAVA Repository End User Licence Agreement to respect my childs confidentiality, rights and dignity, and use my childs data in a responsible way. ( OR 2b) until the project team have finished their work in [date]. Then they will be destroyed. ( 3. I know that when the project team labels my childs recordings, writes articles and talks about the project they will use a false name, not my childs real name. ( 4. I agree that my childs data can be used for presenting research findings (e.g. at conferences); for further analysis in future research projects [and/or for teaching purposes]. 5. I know that the information collected about my child may be audited by the research sponsor, [name], to check that the research is being conducted properly. ( Name of child ________________________________ Name of parent/main carer__________________________ ________________________________________ Signature of parent/main carer Date _______________________ +,-\couE O T   ! 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