
School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES) Library, University College London

Catalogue of Robinson Collection - ROB/2/1-ROB/2/11 item descriptions

ROB/2/1 - Diary of a canoe trip taken by Robinson and other memoirs (1901-1922)

Contents: diary (ms and ts versions) of a river and canal trip taken by Robinson with his father Guy V Robinson on the canoe "It" from Chatham to Cambridge, June 15th-July 2nd 1922. Also includes a number of short writings/memoirs mainly by Robinson some of which are re Russia before the revolution.

(Languages) English

1 envelope

ROB/2/2 - Robinson's diary (1 Nov 1918-25 Jan 1920)

Contents: Robinson's diary (ms) detailing his life as a public schoolboy at Cheltenham College. There are references to political events and to Robinson's reactions to them.

(Languages) English

1 volume

ROB/2/3 - Robinson's diary (25 Jan-14 Sept 1920)

Contents: Robinson's diary (ms) detailing his life as a cadet at Woolwich Military Academy. There are references to political events and to Robinson's reactions to them notably the miners' strike and his fear of revolution.

(Languages) English

1 volume

ROB/2/4 - Robinson's diary (23 Sept 1920-1 Jan 1921)

Contents: Robinson's diary (ms) detailing his life as a cadet at Woolwich Military Academy. There are references to political events and to Robinson's reactions to them notably the miners' strike and his fear of revolution.

(Languages) English

1 volume

ROB/2/5 - Robinson's diary (4 Jan-20 June 1921)

Contents: Robinson's diary (ms) during which time he was a cadet at Woolwich Military Academy.

(Languages) English

1 volume

ROB/2/6 - Robinson's diary (26 Aug-23 Sept 1921)

Contents: Robinson's diary (ms) during which time he had left military training and was waiting to go up to Emmanuel College, Cambridge.

(Languages) English

1 volume

ROB/2/7 - Robinson's diary (25 Sept 1921-17 Mar 1922)

Contents: Robinson's diary (ms) during which time he became a student at Emmanuel College, Cambridge. There are occasional references to political events and to Robinson's reactions to them.

(Languages) English

1 volume

ROB/2/8 - Robinson's diary (19 Mar-26 Aug 1922)

Contents: Robinson's diary (ms) during which time he was a student at Emmanuel College, Cambridge.

(Languages) English

1 volume

ROB/2/9 - Robinson's diary (26 Feb-23 Apr 1923)

Contents: Robinson's diary (ms) during which time he was a student at Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Contains occasional references to his political opinions.

(Languages) English

1 volume

ROB/2/10 - Robinson's diary (23 Apr-27 Sept 1923)

Contents: Robinson's diary (ms) during which time he was a student at Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Contains occasional references to his political opinions.

(Languages) English

1 volume

ROB/2/11 - Robinson's diary (12 Oct 1923-8 July 1925)

Contents: Robinson's diary (ms) during which time he completed his studies at Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Contains occasional references to his political opinions.

(Languages) English

1 volume

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