
School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES) Library, University College London

Catalogue of Lisicky Collection - LIS/3/4/1-LIS/3/4/9 piece descriptions

LIS/3/4/1 - Correspondence with the British Government re the financial situation of the free Czechoslovak movement (1939-1941)

Previous number: file F1 (box 12)

Contents: correspondence with the British Government re the financial situation of the free Czechoslovak movement, also contains minutes of meetings and texts of agreements including -

  • "Anglo-French financial assistance to Czechoslovakia: official communique" (Jan 1939)
  • "Draft minutes of the meeting between the Czecho-Slovak Financial Delegation, the British Delegation and the French Delegation at the Savoy Hotel on Thursday 26th January 1939"

    (Languages) English

    1 folder

    LIS/3/4/2 - Documents re the preservation of Czechoslovak property abroad (1939;1943-1944)

    Previous number: file F2 (box 12)

    Contents: documents re the preservation of Czechoslovak property abroad

    (Languages) Czech & English

    1 folder

    LIS/3/4/3 - Documents re the manufacture of Bren guns (1939-1945)

    Previous number: file F3 (box 12)

    Contents: documents re the manufacture of Bren guns

    (Languages) Czech & English & French

    1 folder

    LIS/3/4/4 - Documents re manufacture of Skoda armaments (1939-1945)

    Previous number: file F4 (box 12)

    Contents: documents re the manufacture of Skoda armaments

    (Languages) Czech

    1 folder

    LIS/3/4/5 - Correspondence between the Czechoslovak embassy in London and the embassy in Warsaw re the situation in Poland (Apr-Sept 1939)

    Previous number: file G1 (box 12)

    Contents: correspondence between the Czechoslovak embassy in London and the Czechoslovak embassy in Warsaw re the situation in Poland

    (Languages) Czech

    1 folder

    LIS/3/4/6 - Correspondence between the Czechoslovak embassy in London and the consulat in Cracow re the situation in Poland (Apr-July 1939)

    Previous number: file G2 (box 12)

    Contents: correspondence between the Czechoslovak embassy in London and the Czechoslovak consulat in Cracow re the situation in Poland

    (Languages) Czech

    1 folder

    LIS/3/4/7 - Correspondence between the Czechoslovak embassy in London and the embassy in Warsaw re Czechoslovak refugees in Poland (Apr-July 1939)

    Previous number: file G3 (box 12)

    Contents: correspondence between the Czechoslovak embassy in London and the Czechoslovak embassy in Warsaw re Czechoslovak refugees in Poland

    (Languages) Czech

    1 folder
    Condition: papers fragile

    LIS/3/4/8 - Documents re negotiations between the Czechoslovak and Polish Governments in exile re mutual recognition (Jan 1940)

    Previous number: file G4 (box 12)

    Contents: documents re between the Czechoslovak and Polish Governments in exile in London re the issue of the mutual recognition of their governments

    (Languages) Czech

    1 folder

    LIS/3/4/9 - Documents published by the joint Czechoslovak-Polish information services (1939;1941)

    Previous number: file G5 (box 12)

    Contents: documents published by the joint Czechoslovak-Polish information services in London including -

    (Languages) Czech & English & French

    1 folder
    Condition: papers very fragile

    To LIS/3 item descriptions

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    This page last revised Tuesday 4th February 1997.