
School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES) Library, University College London

Catalogue of Lisicky Collection - LIS/3/3/1-LIS/3/3/8 piece descriptions

LIS/3/3/1 - Manifesto of aims and other documents issued by the free Czechoslovak movement (1939-1943)

Previous number: file D1 (box 11)

Contents: manifesto of aims and other documents issued by the free Czechoslovak movement including -

(Languages) Czech & English & French

1 folder

LIS/3/3/2 - Manifesto by Beneš (1940)

Previous number: file D2 (box 11)

Contents: manifesto issued by Beneš, the president in exile

(Languages) Czech & English & French

1 folder

LIS/3/3/3 - Report on conditions in German occupied Czechoslovakia (1940)

Previous number: file D3 (box 11)

Contents: report on conditions in German occupied Czechoslovakia by Pavel Viboch

(Languages) Czech

1 folder

LIS/3/3/4 - Proceedings of the Czechoslovak Government in exile (1942-1944)

Previous number: file D4 (box 11)

Contents: official proceedings of the Czechoslovak Government in exile issued from their headquarters in London

(Languages) Czech

1 folder

LIS/3/3/5 - Documents re negotiations between the British Government and the Czechoslovak Government in exile re the formation of Czechoslovak armed forces (1940)

Previous number: file E1 (box 11)

Contents: documents re negotiations between the Czechoslovak Government in exile and the British Government re the formation of a Czechoslovak armed force in Britain including -

(Languages) English

1 folder

LIS/3/3/6 - Documents re work of Czechoslovak military attaché in Britain (1940)

Previous number: file E2 (box 11)

Contents: documents, mainly correspondence re work of Czechoslovak military attaché, Josef Kalla in Britain

(Languages) Czech & English & French

1 folder

LIS/3/3/7 - Documents re the organisation of Czechoslovak exiles in Britain into armed forces (1940)

Previous number: file E3 (box 11)

Contents: documents re organisation of Czechoslovak exiles in Britain into armed forces including -

(Languages) Czech & English & French

1 folder

LIS/3/3/8 - Documents re the position of Czechoslovak refugees in Britain (1939-1941)

Previous number: file E4 (box 11)

Contents: documents re position of Czechoslovak refugees in Britain. Issues raised include the nationality of Germans and Austrians who were refugees in Czechoslovakia prior to German occupation and were now in exile in Britain and the fate of Czechoslovak refugees in British internment camps. Some papers relate to the Czech Refugee Trust Fund.

(Languages) Czech & English & German

1 folder

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