
School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES) Library, University College London

Catalogue of Evans Collection - EVA/1/3/1-EVA/1/3/9 item descriptions

EVA/1/3/1 - Press cuttings book containing articles by Evans (1878-1885, mainly 1878-1883)

Previous number: unnumbered

Contents: press cuttings book containing cuttings of articles by Evans written for the "Manchester Guardian" for whom he was Balkans correspondent based in Ragusa (now Dubrovnik) re the situation in the Balkans.

(Languages) English

1 volume

Publication: Evans' early articles in "The Manchester Guardian" were published in "Illyrian Letters" (1878)

EVA/1/3/2 - Press cuttings book containing letters to the press and book reviews by Evans (1879-1907, mainly 1879-1888)

Previous number: unnumbered

Contents: press cuttings book containing cuttings of letters to the press and book reviews by Evans published in "The Academy" and other journals; also a few loose cuttings (1907)

(Languages) English & (small amount) Greek

1 volume

EVA/1/3/3 - Press cuttings re Balkans some of articles by Evans (1879-1932, mainly 1917-1921)

Previous number: part of item 4

Contents: press cuttings of articles and letters to the press, some by Evans, on the following topics -

(Languages) English & (small amount) Serbo-Croat

6 envelopes

EVA/1/3/4 - Press cuttings book containing articles by Evans (1880-1885)

Previous number: item 10

Contents: press cuttings book containing cuttings of articles re the Balkans by Evans published in "The Pall Mall Gazette", "St James Gazette" and other papers. Some cuttings are loose within the volume.

(Languages) English

1 volume

EVA/1/3/5 - Press cuttings re Balkans some of articles and letters to the press by Evans (1880-1935)

Previous number: part of item 3

Contents: press cuttings re the Balkans some of articles and letters to the press by Evans. Includes press reports from Bosnia (1882)

(Languages) English & (small amount) French

2 envelopes

EVA/1/3/6 - Press cuttings re uprising in Macedonia some of articles and letters to the press by Evans (1903)

Previous number: part of item 5

Contents: press cuttings re uprising in Macedonia some of articles and letters be Evans. Some of the cuttings have been stuck to sheets of paper which contain Evans' comments. Also contains few pieces of related correspondence (including from Lord Lansdowne) and notes.

(Languages) English & (small amount) French

1 envelope

EVA/1/3/7 - Press cuttings re Serbia, Montenegro and the creation of a united South Slav state (1915-1919)

Previous number: part of item 9

Contents: press cuttings re Serbia, Montenegro and the creation of a united South Slav state some of articles by Evans.

(Languages) English & (small amount) French

1 envelope

EVA/1/3/8 - Press cuttings book containing articles and letters to the press re the Balkans by Evans (1916-1917)

Previous number: unnumbered

Contents: press cuttings book containing cuttings of articles and letters to the press re the Balkans by Evans.

(Languages) English

1 volume
Condition: spine damaged

EVA/1/3/9 - Press cuttings re Italo-Yugoslav relations (1918-1919)

Previous number: part of item 2

Contents: press cuttings re relations between Italy and the new Yugoslav state mainly from the Italian press. The cuttings have been stuck to sheets of paper.

(Languages) (small amount) English & Italian

1 envelope

To EVA/1 class descriptions

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This page last revised Monday 19 July 2010.