
James Laing

No Dates

Claimant or beneficiary


Partner in Robert Semple & Co. (q.v.) of Berbice and Liverpool.  Apparently resident in Berbice.


London Gazette, Issue 21003, p. 2370: announcement 16/06/1849 inviting to come forward creditors of the estate of James Laing an inhabitant of Berbice and partner with George Laing at New Amsterdam in Laing Brothers and Company, an insolvent under Ordnance No. 29 1846. Laing appears to have been alive still at this stage: George Laing deceased follows immediately afterwards, who died in transit between Madeira and St Helena aboard the Prince Regent in around 26/01/1847.

Associated Claims (1)

£581 8s 1d

Legacies Summary

Commercial (1)

Other partner
Robert Semple & Co.
West India merchant