
Sta Rita

Estate Details

Associated Claims (1)

£1,265 13S 9D

Estate Information (7)

What is this?

[Number of enslaved people] 20(Tot)  
[Name] Santa Rita  
[Crop] Cocoa  

Antonio Espada, part owner with Juana Espada

T71/501 697
[Number of enslaved people] 28(Tot)  
[Name] Santa Rita  
[Crop] Sugar  

Josef Maria Hernandez, owner, late the property of Antonio Espada [increase by 2 births, 2 acquisitions and 1 purchase].

T 71/508 351 v - 352
[Number of enslaved people] 29(Tot)  
[Name] Santa Rita  
[Crop] Sugar  

Josef Maria Hernandez, owner [increase by 4 births and 1 purchase].

T 71/511 382 v - 383
[Number of enslaved people] 34(Tot)  
[Name] Santa Rita  
[Crop] Sugar  

Josef Maria Hernandez, owner [increase by 2 births and 7 purchases].

T 71/513 308 v
[Number of enslaved people] 34(Tot)  
[Name] Santa Rita  
[Crop] Sugar  

Return of Joseph Latour manager, owned by Jose Maria Fernandez

T71/515 1970
[Number of enslaved people] 26(Tot)  
[Name] Santa Rita  
[Crop] Sugar  

Michael O'Meara Morris, for himself and William Metiver, owners, late the property of Josef Maria Hernandez [increase by 2 purchases].

T 71/517 244 v - 245
[Number of enslaved people] 23(Tot)  
[Name] Santa Rita  
[Crop] Sugar and cocoa  

John Welch Hobson, attorney and guardian, for Catherine Saulger, Jane Saulger and Charlotte Saulger and the heirs of H Hobson, owners, late the property of Morris and Metiver.

T 71/519 308 v - 309