
St Kitts 658 (The Walk)

21st May 1838 | 303 Enslaved | £5046 11s 3d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Not listed in Parliamentary Papers.

T71/879: claim by Wm. Wharton Rawlins (resident?). Counterclaims from: John George Goldfrap and John Bayford, as trustees of the marriage settlement of Wm. Wharton Rawlins and Margaret (his wife, late Bayford) of 1804 for a term of 500 years; Henry Moreton Dyer, as mortgagee (through Alex Coates); James McQueen [sic] and Alex. McDonnell [sic].

T71/1295: £1632 4s 5d went to Henry Moreton Dyer; £3414 6s 10d went to John Bayford.

See also St Kitts claim no. 420.

Further Information

St Kitts
Claim No.
The Walk

Associated Individuals (5)

Unsuccessful claimant (Trustee)
Other association
Unsuccessful claimant (Trustee)
Awardee (Mortgagee)
Unsuccessful claimant

Associated Estates (1)