
Nevis 128 (Jessops Estate)

15th Feb 1836 | 133 Enslaved | £2262 3s 3d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Parliamentary Papers p. 107.

T71/882: claim by Job Ede, owner-in-fee.

T71/1592: p 234 letter to Job Ede, Southampton, in response to his enquiry of 25/01/1836 on the process of collecting on Jessops

 T71/1609: letter from Job Ede dated 08/09/1835 'I beg leave to inform you that I am at present residing in Laura Place, Southampton, and of it being my wish to receive in person any proprotion of the compensation money awarded to me as Proprietor of Jessops estate and Colquhuouns Estate in the Island of Nevis.'

T71/368 p 117: petition from Job Ede in 1831 to [Governor] Charles Wm Maxwell, re correcting errors in the 1828 return [made by Wm Seabrook as acting manager of Jessops under Peter Thomas Huggins the then acting attorney], 'your petitioner who was at the time of the making of the said return a resident in England': clearly Ede was in Nevis for 1831 registration.

Caribbeana Vol. V p. 46: John Ede, brother-in-law of Edward Jesup was executor and residuary legatee under will of Edward Jesup (who died in 1770). Job Ede 'apparently son of John Ede' inherited.

Caribbeana Vol. 3 p. 325: memorial in Millbrook church to Job Ede of Clayfield lodge in this parish who died in Nevis 01/07/1844 aged 63.

Further Information

Claim No.
Jessops Estate
Collected by
Ede, Job

Associated Individuals (1)

Awardee (Owner-in-fee)

Associated Estates (1)