
Jamaica St Thomas-in-the-East, Surrey 507 (Morant)

21st Nov 1836 | 240 Enslaved | £4184 0s 1d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Parliamentary Papers p. 299.

Award split: £697 6s 9d to Beavan on 21/11/1836; £697 6s 8d to Blake on 19/09/1836; £2092 0s 0d to Sir Tomkyns H. Turner on 19/09/1836; £697 6s 8d to Moore & Trotter on 17/10/1836.

T71/867 Claim by Sir Alexander Crichton, London, owner-in-fee of 1/6th by John Cargill his attorney.  Sir Tomkyns Hillgrove Turner was trustee under the will of Frances Jennings for 3/6ths. Thomas Drew Beavan, London was trustee of Phillip [=Philip] Browne for 1/6th. Alexander Ellice, Captain in the Navy, owner-in-fee of 1/6th: 'received 21st Nov 1836 A. Ellice consenting to the paymt of this 1/6 to A.R. Blake'. Received 10th Oct 1836 'Statement of the appointment of new trustees under the marriage settlement of Sir Alex and Lady Crichton' [i.e. Moore and Trotter?] Counterclaim from Sir Wm Kay, Sir Charles Price, Joseph Marryat Esq. and Israel Thomas Coleman Esq banker - London, as judgement creditors for £3481 15s 6d July 1835 against Philip Brown's 1/6th.

See also StThomas-in-the-East claim no. 551 for another claim by Sir Tomkyns Hilyard Turner for Frances Jennings.

Jamaica Almanacs (1822-1833): Morant estate registered to 'Thomson & Kent, heirs of''.

Further Information

St Thomas-in-the-East, Surrey
Claim No.

Associated Individuals (13)

Beneficiary deceased
Unsuccessful claimant (Judgement creditor)
Unsuccessful claimant (Judgement creditor)
Unsuccessful claimant (Judgement creditor)
Unsuccessful claimant (consensual)
Awardee (Trustee)
Unsuccessful claimant (Judgement creditor)
Awardee (Trustee)
Awardee (Trustee)
Awardee (Trustee)

Associated Estates (1)