

Joint Research Office


Therapeutic Acceleration Support funding call now open

10 March 2022

The UCL Therapeutic Acceleration Support (TAS) fund call 9, aiming to accelerate the transition of discovery science to the early stages of therapeutic development, is now open.

The deadline for applications is Friday 29 April 2022, 5pm (UK time).

The call is open to UCL applicants at all career stages, from early career researchers and applicants seeking to establish individual research careers, to established Principal Investigators.

The scheme expects to fund individual projects in the range of £60-75k (directly incurred costs only) for up to 12 months.

All areas of therapy and diagnostics including engineering/medical technology and bioinformatics approaches can be submitted for consideration.

Applications with an industry partner are strongly encouraged.

 of this call including the application guidance.

Enquiries about the scheme and completed application forms should be sent to Helen Cooksley (h.cooksley -at- ucl.ac.uk) in the Translational Research Office.