

Dr Lesley M. McGregor
Research Associate

Bowel cancer screening; living organ transplantation and donation; adherence to medication; message framing; qualitative interview methods

Research interests

My research interests to date have predominantly focused on the topic of liver transplantation, particularly functional and cognitive ability, quality of life and adherence to medication.

In 2006, the Scottish Liver Transplant Unit, in Edinburgh, became the first NHS unit in the UK to offer Living Donor Liver Transplantation (LDLT) and my PhD was initiated in response to this development.

My PhD is entitled "An investigation into the Functional and Psychosocial Impact of Living Organ Donation" and was a longitudinal assessment of both living liver donors and recipients and living kidney donors and recipients, employing quantitative and qualitative methods, across the transplant experience. Due to a low uptake of LDLT in Scotland, my PhD was adapted to also include research projects into why the option of LDLT had not been more actively pursued.

While maintaining my interest in organ transplantation and donation, I have recently transferred my skills to another important health care initiative, namely the NHS bowel cancer screening programme. In my current appointment I aim to find out more about the reasons why people do or do not complete bowel cancer screening and subsequently develop ways to successfully increase uptake rates across England.

Current research
I am currently working on The ASCEND project: Strategies to reduce the social gradient in bowel cancer screening. My role is predominantly to develop and test a new information leaflet based on the narratives of previous screening participants.

  • Mar 2011 - present: Research Associate, University College London, London.
  • Oct 2010 - Jan 2011: Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Department of Psychology, University of Stirling, Stirling.
  • Aug 2009 - May 2010: Research Assistant, Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
  • Aug 2006 - Aug 2009: Research Assistant, Department of Psychology, Stirling University, Stirling.
  • June 2005 - July 2006: Research Assistant, Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh.
  • Sept 2004 - May2005: Research Assistant, Department of Psychology, Stirling University, Stirling.
  • 2010 PhD Health Psychology, University of Stirling, Stirling.
  • 2004 MSc Health Psychology, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh.
  • 2001 MA Psychology, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen.
McGregor LM, Ferguson E and O'Carroll RE. (In press). Living organ donation: the effect of message frame on an altruistic behaviour. Journal of Health Psychology.

McGregor LM, Swanson V, Hayes PC, Forsythe JR and O'Carroll RE. (2010). Considering adult living donor liver transplantation: a qualitative study of patients and their potential donors. Psychology and Health, 25(6), 751-766. doi: 10.1080/08870440902822921.

McGregor LM, Hayes PC and O'Carroll RE. (2008). Living liver donation: attitudes of the general public and general practitioners in Scotland. Psychology and Health, 23(5), 603-616.

O'Carroll RE, Turner F, Flatley K, McGregor LM and Hayes PC. (2007). Functional outcome following liver transplantation: a pilot study. Psychology, Health and Medicine, 13(2), 239-248.

O'Carroll RE, McGregor LM, Swanson V, Masterton G. and Hayes PC. (2006). Adherence to medication after liver transplantation in Scotland: a pilot study. Liver transplantation, 12, 1862-1868.

McGregor LM & O'Carroll RE. (2006). Living donor liver transplants. The Psychologist, 19(3), 138-139.

This page last modified 22 Aug, 2011 by Mark Livermore

Dr Lesley M. McGregor

+44 (0)20 7679 8268
Internal: x48268
+44 (0)20 7679 8354
Email: l.mcgregor@ucl.ac.uk

Postal address: Health Behaviour Research Centre, Department of Epidemiology & Public Health,
UCL, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT, UK

Office: Room 536,
1-19 Torrington Place,

University College London- Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT - Telephone: +44 (0)20 7679 1720 - © 2012 UCL

Tobacco Group Diet and Obesity Group Cancer Screening Group