

In 2009 I was falsely accused of anti-Semitism following remarks I made at the UCU Congress 2009. The allegations were, and are, without foundation. At the time of speaking I was not alluding to a conspiracy theory which I since discovered to be in circulation on the internet, and any inference about a connection is illogical and absurd.

I categorically deny all allegations of anti-Semitism. I have a long track record of defending Jewish members of the UCU and defending academic freedom. I have spent my entire political life fighting racism and fascism.

The UCL UCU branch position was against a boycott of Israeli universities, and as a branch representative I voted in accordance with that position. Indeed, as a point of fundamental principle I have always insisted that democratic decisions made by members at branch meetings should be implemented.

This page last modified 14 May, 2020 by Survey Web Administrator.