

Survey Seminar Series Autumn 2011

The Survey of English Usage organises a number of seminars each year for staff and students from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities and beyond. They are generously sponsored by the English Department.

The following research seminars will take place during the Autumn term in Foster Court Room 114.

Wed 26
  Bas Aarts and Sean Wallis (UCL)

Teaching grammar to the iPhone generation

In this talk we introduce the new interactive Grammar of English App, present the App’s functionality and discuss some of the challenges involved in creating it.

The talk will be particularly relevant to people interested in developing course materials as Apps for mobile devices.

Wed 23
Seth Mehl (UCL)
Making sense of English varieties: the syntax and semantics of make in Singapore English, Hong Kong English and British English.

This paper analyses the semantics of one high-frequency, polysemous verb, make, across three varieties of English: Singapore English, Hong Kong English, and British English. Data for the corpus-based study is derived from the International Corpus of English. Discussion will revolve around variations in the semantics and usage of make in each variety, and the implications of these variations for overarching theories of World Englishes. In addition, I will suggest a new role for lexical semantics in describing the development of English varieties worldwide, based on innovative and conservative historical trends and on semantic diversity.

All welcome! Drinks afterwards.

Past events

This page last modified 14 May, 2020 by Survey Web Administrator.