

The Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS)

The SIAMS Framework (2023) sets out the expectations for the conduct of the Statutory Inspection of Anglican, Methodist and ecumenical Schools under Section 48 of the Education Act 2005.  SIAMS inspection plays an important role in the improvement of Church schools. It does this by affirming what which is effective and by highlighting key areas for improvement. By focusing on impact above all else, SIAMS explores ways in which each school’s theologically rooted Christian vision drives the work and enables the school to live up to its foundation as a Church school.

Church schools come in all different shapes and sizes, and a one size fits all approach to inspection does not allow a school to have integrity in its Christian-vision-driven-work. Therefore, the 2023 SIAMS framework does not present schools with a list of criteria to meet. Instead, it asks a number of Inspection Questions about impact, and it allows leaders to explain the school’s context and the reasons for decisions and actions. In all things, the contextually-appropriate theologically rooted Christian vision is the driving force.

SIAMS inspectors will explore with school and trust leaders how they understand the specific context of the school, and whether they know how to respond to it theologically. Local, diocesan and national expertise will help school and trust leaders to explore this, so that they can be confident in answering three key questions:

  1. Who are we as a school?
  2. What are we doing here?
  3. How, then, shall we live and learn together?

SIAMS, rightly, sets a high bar for each school to live up to its foundation as a Church school through its theologically rooted Christian vision, and it provides affirmation, aspiration and areas for development for school leaders.

See the for further information and guidance on SIAMS inspections.

For further support and advice please contact Rebecca Swansbury (01227 459401).

Page last updated: Tuesday 30th July 2024 2:01 PM
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