
Admissions guidance for Church Of England schools in 皇家华人

Who is the Admissions Authority?

  • For Voluntary Controlled (VC) schools, the Admission Authority is KCC. 
  • For Voluntary Aided (VA) and Foundation schools, the Admission Authority is the Governing Body.
  • In Academies, the Admission Authority is the Academy Trust Board.

Admissions Authorities of Church of England schools must

  • have regard to the guidance from the Canterbury Diocesan Board of Education (CDBE) when constructing faith-based admission arrangements (para 1.38 Admissions Code)
  • consult with the CDBE about proposed admissions arrangements before any public consultation, including the local authority (para 1.38 Admissions Code) and as part of the required public consultation (para 1.47(f) Admissions Code).
  • consult with the CDBE when deciding how membership or practice of the faith is to be demonstrated (para 1.38 Admissions Code)
  • notify the CDBE as soon as possible if they are aware that an objection has been made to the Schools Adjudicator in respect of their admissions arrangements.
  • consult on their admissions arrangements at least once every 7 years. The consultation must consider all the admissions arrangements including any supplementary information forms (SIF) (para 1.45 Admissions Code).
  • consult the CDBE regarding any intention to change the PAN or age range.

Contact Rebecca Swansbury rswansbury@diocant.org when starting the consultation process, outlining the changes or updates to be made to the policy.

Church of England Education Office Admissions builder tool

This tool offers options for your school admissions arrangements that are legally compliant while letting you take into account your school's character and local context. In practical terms, you will soon see that you have to work through each section, including all the required fields, before being able to move to the next one.

Useful links

Please contact Rebecca Swansbury rswansbury@diocant.org for any issues or questions regarding admissions.

Page last updated: Wednesday 21st August 2024 10:16 AM
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