

UCL Institute for Global Prosperity


A citizen Assembly Pilot on Energy Transition in Lebanon

proCess And Co- design

24 January 2022

Currently, Lebanon faces chronic energy shortages from an ageing energy infrastructure that relies on fossil fuels that have detrimentally affected people's quality of life. Fossil fuel subsidies are also responsible for 40% of Lebanon's public debt. The citizens' assembly will focus on the process of transitioning to a more sustainable, equitable, affordable and effective energy system. Members of the assembly will learn, deliberate and co-design solutions to the energy crisis in Lebanon that can achieve  to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. The citizens' assembly will be a forum for citizens to imagine and create a path to affordable and equitable electricity for all.

The CA is designed to enable participants to consider the evidence presented from experts and to form small groups for deliberative activities and conversation across groups. This is to facilitate the co-production of electricity generation systems that serve the public interest and deliver tangible community benefits, such as better health outcomes, decent and stable employment, public space and transportation, and new public, private and civic institutions.